Goodbye Meth

Goodbye to my enemy
that caught me in it's grasp
you pulled me down to your level
so hard to pull away
each puff I took
you took my soul away
my mind had become consumed
with your devilish ways
it's true what they say
one time and your hooked
unable to set the pipe down
and look the other way
you got me through some rough times
in the most unhealthy way
I thought what I was doing was okay
I learned the hard way
that's what some would say
I can't explain some of the things I saw
If i told you, you would think I am insane
crazy what our minds can see
when we are cast under your spell
it was fun for awhile
until I realized that my life was hell
goodbye meth, you no longer have me under your control
I'm ready to live a beautiful sober life
that doesn't end with death
or possibly parole

Goodbye Fentanyl
so long my friend
that turned me into a hardcore fiend
never would I thought
I would become so desperate
searching endlessly or just one more hit
you turned me into somebody
that I was so ashamed to be
destroying everything in your path
hate that I had to feel your wrath
the pain that you caused
I can't even begin to explain
you tore my world apart
something that I wasn't expecting when I first started
my relationship fell apart due to your devilish ways 
I became so unhealthy I would get sick
and throw up for days
It felt so good to use to first
that's how you suck us in
pretty soon I found myself using just to avoid the pain
the withdrawal is the worst I've ever felt
sweat pouring down my body
so sore I don't want to move 
a reality I can't believe I've ever felt
thrown back into the addiction
selling anything valuable for drugs
just to feel normal and get through the day
I can't believe I used to live that way
Goodbye Fentanyl
There's been many lessons learned 
a huge lesson is that I way more in this life
I will not back down that hopeless road
I paved a new path for myself
and though I am not healed
I am so damn proud of where I am headed 



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