Love Letter

So, when I was in treatment, I wrote a love letter to myself. I wanted to share it with you all, because it was one of my favorite pieces of work. It was very interesting to see the transition from shaming myself, hating who I was, and then transforming into the woman who had so much self-love and compassion. I realized that I needed to give myself some grace, pat myself on the back, and focus on making more positive choices in my future.

Hey beautiful,
I love everything about you. You have nothing to be insecure about, girl. You're spunky, and a bit of a weirdo, but embrace who you are. Fall in life with the uncomfortable moments that life throws your way. They all make you who you are. God created you, and thankfully there's no one else like you in the world. You make others happy to be on this planet. You have a beautiful, bright soul and give off positive energy. Your laugh is my favorite sound, and your smile is so contagious. I'm so proud of you. You're such a resilient woman. So many times, in life you have been pushed down, but you always get back up. Never letting it hurt your spirit. You are truly a warrior. You have fought so many battles and have come out on the other side, a bit wounded, but still ready to continue the fight. You are capable of great things, and I am so excited to see you rise about all the trauma you have endured in your life. Use all of those negative experiences as a way to give some positivity to the world. You are an amazing mother. Take a minute to forgive yourself for all the mistakes that are consuming your mind. They know that your love is unconditional, no matter what happens. I know those boys mean the world to you. I can see it in the way you interact with them. It's a very valuable lesson learned. Precious things can be taken away, but hard work will slowly bring those things back. Also, a lesson to not take anything for granted in this life. Cherish those boys, the ugly, the amazing things about them. Give them so many kisses and hug them as much as you can. Take a deep breath, you're doing a great job momma. I'll always be in your corner, cheering you on. I hope you accomplish your dreams. You're doing an amazing job! It's been incredible watching you grow, and seeing you start to love yourself. Keep working on your self-confidence, love. You are worthy. You are enough. You are a whole lot of lovely. You are awesome!


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