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Goodbye Meth Goodbye to my enemy that caught me in it's grasp you pulled me down to your level so hard to pull away each puff I took you took my soul away my mind had become consumed with your devilish ways it's true what they say one time and your hooked unable to set the pipe down and look the other way you got me through some rough times in the most unhealthy way I thought what I was doing was okay I learned the hard way that's what some would say I can't explain some of the things I saw If i told you, you would think I am insane crazy what our minds can see when we are cast under your spell it was fun for awhile until I realized that my life was hell goodbye meth, you no longer have me under your control I'm ready to live a beautiful sober life that doesn't end with death or possibly parole Goodbye   Fentanyl so long my friend that turned me into a hardcore fiend never would I thought I would become so desperate searching endlessly or just one more hit you t

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